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Soil Compaction Test Report

What is soil compaction testing?

Soil compaction happens when soil particles are pressed together, reducing pore space between them. Heavily compacted soils contain few large pores, less total pore volume, and a greater density. 

In the construction of high load structures such as dams, paved roadways, and construction projects that rely on the stability of embankments; soil compaction is used to increase soil strength.

Loose soil can be compacted by using mechanical equipment to remove air-voids, thereby densifying the soil and increasing its dry unit weight. 

There are a variety of different benefits to soil compaction, including: prevention of soil settlement and frost damage, increased ground stability, reduced hydraulic conductivity and mitigating undesirable settlement of structures, such as paved roads, foundations and piping.

Below you will find a few different examples of how a soil compaction test can be performed.

Standard Proctor Soil Compaction Test Report

Standard Proctor Compaction Testing can be performed in a lab. The testing first determines the maximum density achievable for the soil and uses it as a reference for field testing.

It also is effective for testing the effects of moisture on the soil’s density. For soil with higher densities, a Modified Proctor Compaction Test which uses higher values will be necessary. Remember geo services for best soil compaction test report in Melbourne.

Field Tests for Soil Compaction Density: 


Field Tests are performed on-site and are necessary to determine if the compaction density is being reached.

There are several different types of field tests, each with advantages and disadvantages. New methods are also being developed to increase accuracy and limit the chance of errors.

Geo services provides the best and high quality soil compaction test report services with effective and affordable price in all popular suburbs in Melbourne, Australia.

We provide quality, effective and reliable soil compaction test report services in all Melbourne suburbs across Australia.  Always remember Geo services (Melbourne, Australia) for the best and affordable soil compaction test report services in Melbourne, Australia. Geo services provides affordable soil compaction test report services in all Melbourne suburbs like Greater Melbourne, Epping, Greater Dandenong, Greater Werribee, Melton, Greater Geelong, Sunbury, Eastern suburbs, Western suburbs, Northern suburbs, etc.

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