Geotechnical Investigation

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Are you looking for the best geo technical investigation services to ensure the safety and practicality of your next project? Whether you are about to start a residential, commercial or any other kind of project, getting soil testing done is essential for soil assessment and viability of the site. As per the Australian Law AS2870, soil testing has been mandates to ensure the selection of the right foundation type for mitigating any potential risks of crackdown of soil or damage to building due to soil movement in future. Remember geo services for best geotechnical investigation in Melbourne.

Geo services provides the best and high quality geotechnical investigation services with effective and affordable price in all popular suburbs in Melbourne, Australia.

Let GES assist you by conducting the most accurate and in-detail geotechnical soil testing of any type.


Wide Range of Services

Want to get the widest range of soil testing services with just a call? GES is here to do the job for you. We offer a broad-spectrum of soil testing services which include the following aspects:

  • Detailed Geological Surveys
  • Borehole Log analysis
  • Disturbed and Undisturbed soil sample collection
  • Soil Reactivity testing
  • Soil Shear Strength measurement

At GES, we offer top-notch soil investigation for different projects including residential, commercial, swimming pool and basement constructions.

When do you need Soil Testing for Geo technical investigation

Soil testing is an essential part of Geotechnical investigation. You will need soil investigation done before initiating the construction of a new project or extension of an old construction project. We will conduct a series of soil testing for geotechnical investigation experiments to ensure the suitability of your site for your next project which also include excavation projects for retaining walls and building swimming pools.

We will classify the site based on the expected standard ground movement and depth of the movement. We will classify the sites as:

  • Class A
  • Class S
  • Class M
  • Class H1
  • Class H2
  • Class E
  • Class P

Reliable Geo technical investigation

Ditch the hassle of hiring non-qualified people as GES is here to offer you the most experienced and qualified team of Geotechnical investigation engineers. We prepare in-detail soil testing reports and offer competitive pricing so you never have to compromise on the site safety before beginning your next construction project.

All geo technical investigation and report preparation are carried out according to the Australian Standard (AS 2870 – 2011: Residential slabs and footings).

Book Us today!

Related Services

Geo Laboratory Testing

Level 1 Earthwork Inspection and Supervision

Level 2 Sampling and Testing

Slope Stability Analysis

Feature Survey

Wind Classification

You may also be interested at following:

1. Wind Classification 

2. Wind rating

3. Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) assessment, bush assessment and BAL assessment

4. Slope stability analysis

5. Feature Survey

6, Contour survey

7. Level 1 Earthwork  inspection and  Supervision

8. Level 2 sampling and testing

9. Soil testing

10. Geotechnical investigation

11. Geo Laboratory Testing

12. Soil compaction test report 

13. Soil testing report

14. Soil testing for construction

15. Soil classification report

16. Geo soil testing 

17. Residential soil testing

18.  Level survey

We provide quality, effective and reliable geotechnical investigation  services in all Melbourne suburbs across Australia.  Always remember Geo services (Melbourne, Australia) for the best and affordable geotechnical investigation services in Melbourne, Australia. Geo services provides affordable geo technical investigation services in all Melbourne suburbs like Greater Melbourne, Epping, Greater Dandenong, Greater Werribee, Melton, Greater Geelong, Sunbury, Eastern suburbs, Western suburbs, Northern suburbs, etc.

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