Geo Laboratory Testing

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Are you looking for the best geotechnical laboratory testing for your next residential and commercial construction project? GES is here to help you in the most efficient and reliable manner. Remember geo services for best geo laboratory testing in Melbourne.

geo services

Wide Range of Lab Tests

At GES, we offer a fully-trained and professional team of lab technicians and civil engineers who are fully-capable of conducting services of any nature and size. We follow relevant Australian Standards to ensure that the tests are fully compliant and standardized. What’s even more important is that we have full-scope of equipment and technology needed to conduct all kinds of standard civil laboratory testing. Count on us to offer reliable laboratory testing as: 

Geotechnical testing:

·        Soil sampling    ·      Liquid limit, plastic limit, linear shrinkage, plasticity index   ·        Soil particle density

·        Moisture content    ·        Shrink-swell index

·        Soil particle size distribution (PSD) —sieving method    ·        Dynamic cone penetration (DCP)

·        Soil compaction – standard/modified/Hilf/compaction control test  

 ·       Field density with nuclear density gauge

·         Particle size distribution of a soil – hydrometer method       ·         CBR test – soaked/un-soaked 


Geo services provides the best and high quality geo laboratory testing services with effective and affordable price in all popular suburbs in Melbourne, Australia.


Geotechnical Investigation

Level 1 Earthwork Inspection and Supervision

Level 2 Sampling and Testing

Slope Stability Analysis

Feature Survey

Wind Classification

You may also be interested at following:

1. Wind Classification 

2. Wind rating

3. Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) assessment, bush assessment and BAL assessment

4. Slope stability analysis

5. Feature Survey

6, Contour survey

7. Level 1 Earthwork  inspection and  Supervision

8. Level 2 sampling and testing

9. Soil testing

10. Geotechnical investigation

11. Geo Laboratory Testing

12. Soil compaction test report 

13. Soil testing report

14. Soil testing for construction

15. Soil classification report

16. Geo soil testing 

17. Residential soil testing

18.  Level survey

We provide quality, effective and reliable geo laboratory testing services in all Melbourne suburbs across Australia.  Always remember Geo services (Melbourne, Australia) for the best and affordable geo laboratory testing services in Melbourne, Australia.  Geo services provides affordable geo laboratory testing services in all Melbourne suburbs like Greater Melbourne, Epping, Greater Dandenong, Greater Werribee, Melton, Greater Geelong, Sunbury, Eastern suburbs, Western suburbs, Northern suburbs, etc.

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